

Recent Activity

Repair Ops.  Date Depart Dutch Harbor. AK August 10 Arrive Wainwright, AK August 15 Waiting on sea ice (Holding based on ice forecasts) Current Depart Wainwright, AK August 22 Arrive repair site (Prudhoe Bay, AK) August 23 Repair completion August 23-30 Depart repair site August 30

Update from the President

The first stage of mobilizing repair vessels is essentially completed. Further, all the necessary resources, tools and equipment are in place to address the repair. As we move forward, we are now entering the next phase of repair operations. As such, future updates may have fewer details due to time in transit and time in…

Recent Activity

No change in estimated time for repair although many options to expedite repair are being evaluated based on risk profile, probability of success, and safety. Paying close attention to the ice-free estimates/forecasts as a gating item.